Sunday, November 19, 2006

Paris--Nick 'n Becca Style

In honor of my 25th birthday our 2nd wedding anniversary, Nick and I headed to the City of Light, Paris, France. I couldn't have been more excited, as this was my #1 must-see destination upon moving to Europe. After hearing countless stories of Parisian exploits from my sister, Marie, I absolutely could not wait to discover this city on my own...I mean...with Nick. :)

Post-airport we headed straight for our hotel, L'Hotel Academie on Rue de Saint Peres, where we checked in to the world's tiniest hotel room and started mapping out a plan.

We headed to the Notre Dame, just a few blocks from our hotel. This is one massive cathedral! However, I've never really been into the Gothic style, and the scary panther/beasts extended from the cathedrals side reminded me of Nightmare on Elm St. 4, so we didn't stay there too long.

This is me seconds after commencing my 25th year at Georges, a Costes brothers restaurant on the top floor of the Centre Pompidou. You can't see it here, but the Eiffel Tower was glittering in the background. Great moment.

The day of our AnniBirthary we visited the newly-renovated Musee D'Orsay, which is home to Paris's modern art collection.

1 comment:

Coleen said...

Hey Wisslers- Get blogging!